2018 MTSS PLI has ended
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Kristen Brown

California Department of Education
Lead One System Whole Child Initiative
Dr. Kristen Brown
One System/Whole Child Integration Lead, California Department of Education

Kristen Brown is leading the California Department of Education (CDE)’s One System Serving the Whole Child Initiative. She has held several other positions within the CDE. She was the Director of the Project READ, a project to increase the reading and English Language Arts proficiency of students in select California middle schools. Brown served as the California State Lead for the National Center and State Collaborative Consortium, which developed a system of alternate assessments supported by curriculum, instruction, and professional development for students with disabilities. She also led the initial work with the California SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium and worked on the California English Development Test which aims to develop tests and resources that support teaching and learning. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California Education, Planning, Policy and Administration.

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